Before I always question the rationale of inviting people from different fields and to serve as speakers in a form of a colloquium. But now, I might just swallow these words because I was all wrong in doubting the very purpose of these works. I was all wrong because I did not see it earlier the real essence of having the series of colloquia. I did not see the great learnings that we could just have from these.
But at least, right now, I am very honest to admit that I was all wrong. I learned a lot from the series of colloquia that we’ve had. I learned something from the field of health and medicine, business, philosophy and literature, fashion and entertainment, campus journalism, media and politics, education, sports, and military.
This would tell us that learning must not be confined only on the grounds of the syllabus distributed for each semester. It could also take place in listening to these people whose expertise in their chosen fields were already proven to be exemplary.
For this, I would like to commend the use of a series of colloquia for classroom discussions. You learn and get some networks at the same time. To the teacher who started this out in us, sorry but thank you also for letting us experience this wonderful encounter.
But still, not every colloquium turned well. I would suggest that the organizers must have prepared well before the discussion. The organizers must have assumed also of the possible technicalities that might happened during the discussion so that mean and lame chances could be avoided.
And, the series of colloquia would have been more interesting if it were patterned from different formats. Like there would be a different format for every colloquium. This is so that students will not get bored in listening to the same thing, day after day.
1 comment:
have u forgotten about me 'n my blog? =D
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