Why suffer the bad stuffs of your life during Christmas when there are fun shots you can spot.
It is really frustrating when you see people who are having so much fun amid the cold breeze of the season when you are there celebrating the tons of problems you are experiencing. Indeed, the season of Christmas is drawing nearer to the curtains. But, still, you've got and still attached with so many problems.
It's quite insulting when you hear children at your doors singing Christmas and holiday wishes when you are there crying alone for your boyfriend have just broke up with you. You want to give them coins, but the more they become happy and energetic, the more you become irritated.
But hey, don't think that the Earth has turn it's back on you. Mate, it's not yet the end of the world. At least for this season you become happy and gay. Yes, you may be having dozens of dilemmas, but my mate, this is not yet the end of all. There's always reason to celebrate life and enjoy Christmas. How, here it goes:
EAT TILL THERE IS. The celebration of Christmas means the preparation of many foods. Why not eat and try different delicacies instead of drowning yourself to the pool of problems you have. worry no more if you're thinking of your diet. Whether you're thin or thick, you are simply beautiful. Anyway, you'll not have these foods after Christmas. So, while there's more and a lot more, you take advantage.
BE A CHILD FOR ONCE. Lucky those children are for they seem to have no problem at all. They always laugh and just cry whenever they are hungry. Other than hunger, they seem to have and live in a Utopia world, a perfect society. So why be a child even this Christmas. Join the seven's and eight's as they sing and dance the night's carols.
SHOP 'TILL YOU POP. Go to malls and refresh yourself. It's for free anyway. But if you've got the money from your sugar daddy, shop the best stuffs in the malls. By shifting your attention to your personal needs, I am sure you're sadness will leave you.
GIVE A GIFT. There's no more merry and fulfilling thing to do than to give something to somebody. Think of the important and special people in your lives and thank them through a simple but symbolic gift. The fact that you remembered them is something for them. In that way, they'll also make you feel special, which will sooner give you happiness, in return.
FIND AND MAKE LOVE. Merry are the people who have someone special in their lives. Happy are those who attend the Misa de Galo with their partners eating putos and sipping hot chocolate during early morns. If you're sad, then find yourself a partner. Friendster is there to give you more guys and gals. And when you find one, make him feel special as he will make you very special as well.
ATTEND PARTIES. Being with you're friends, you're neighbors or you're relatives during the saddest and lonesome moments of your life is very much healing. The matter that you know they are there to help you is really something. To be gathered with them, attend Christmas parties and family reunions. Don't just confine yourself at the four corners of your dark room. Remember, being alone is dangerous. You might have just done something gratifying for you, but sinful to the Lord God (ehehe).
BE BEAUTIFUL. Make your problems you're magical mantras to make yourself feel better and be beautiful. After all, if you're beautiful, no one will think you're problematic.
FORGIVE AND FORGET. The spirit of the season of Christmas is when you let you're enemies join you in your celebration. Yes, they did something to you, but forgiving them will be very helpful. Isn't a pleasure when you're there and o'k to everyone?
Christmas is the right moment to celebrate life. The right time to be happy and forget all the bad stuffs of your life.
These may be little and simple thoughts, but I hope, they'll help.